The state of the world is a reflection of the quality of our leadership
At RLI, we believe that leadership is an innate capacity that we each carry to influence our interconnected web of life. Serving vanguard progress in the 21st century calls us to step up and into levels of greatness beyond what we have known or seen of ourselves and our teams before now.
RLI takes a transformative approach to leadership development using an active, integrated and participatory approach to ensure outcomes that are relevant, meaningful and immediately applicable. We develop leadership mastery through customized intensives, workshops and seminars -- ideally embedded in your Sustainable Impact Process™.
“What you bring to any and every conversation is incredible insight and a deep understanding of the need and capacity to effect positive and powerful change on the planet.”
Leadership Coaching
The RLI approach to coaching is holistic and systems-oriented, integrating behavioral, cognitive, cultural and organizational strategies for lasting positive change. With our commitment to sustainable long-term impact, we prefer to focus on teams.
RLI offers two types of coaching packages
Strategic Coaching is an outcome-based approach to coaching that starts where you are, builds on your strengths, and charts a course for accomplishing and elevating your intended impact. Strategic Coaching packages are at least nine months, with weekly or bi-weekly contact.
Responsive Coaching focuses on day-to-day experience, building leadership capacity in response to what arises in the flow of fulfilling your leadership responsibilities and priorities. Responsive Coaching packages are at least three months in duration.
“I’m operating at a level that I wouldn’t be operating otherwise...”