Sustainable Development

Evolving Leadership for Collective Wellbeing

Evolving Leadership for Collective Wellbeing

Read our new book! This collection is a go-to resource for individuals wishing to heighten leadership effectiveness through access to vanguard theory and practice. It highlights stories and insights from leadership practitioners and scholars around the world, in the process offering invaluable insights into diverse lessons, models, and practices, and it offers case and place-based chapters that bridge theory and practice to empower diverse actors around the world.

Evolving Leadership for a Sustainable Future

Evolving Leadership for a Sustainable Future

In these uncertain times of unprecedented environmental, economic, social, and political change, the world needs hopeful and helpful guidance on how to chart a future of global sustainability and collective wellbeing. Beyond asking why the changes are happening to us, we have the opportunity to ask why they are happening for us. In other words, how are we being compelled to evolve our leadership, and who are we being called to become?

Rare Interview with Gro Brundtland on Restorative Leadership for Sustainable Development

As world leaders descend upon New York this week to answer critical sustainability questions with internationally binding Sustainable Development Goals, Dr. Brundtland’s insights are important to consider.

Dr. Elinor Ostrom’s Leadership: From the Tragedy of the Commons to Sustaining the Commons

Dr. Elinor Ostrom (August 7, 1933 – June 12, 2012) was a heroine of mine: an embodiment of restorative leadership with her belief in the power of community...