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Polly Higgins was in court when she had an epiphany that the Earth was in need of a good lawyer. Following that insight led to her life’s work and recognition for being one of the World’s Top 10 Visionary Thinkers by The Ecologist.
““It’s an expansion of a vision of what’s possible on the Earth.””
Polly is a barrister, author and international environmental lawyer advocating for a shift to laws that impose responsibilities, duties and obligations for the benefit of the many. Nominated The Planet’s Lawyer by the Performance Awards for work such as advancing the Universal Declaration of Planetary Rights, Polly has submitted a proposal to the United Nations: the Crime of Ecocide. She argues that ecocide is a 5th Crime Against Peace, yet to be recognized alongside Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity, War Crimes and Crimes of Aggression.
Polly has been named one of the top Unreasonable People in the world by the online magazine Planet Green for refusing to accept harmful norms, and has been hailed by the Guardian as one of their Green Heroes working for the right kind of environmental change. Polly is also author of Eradicating Ecocide, which highlights the need for enforceable, legally binding mechanisms in national and international law to hold perpetrators of lasting severe damage to the environment accountable for the systemic impact of the harm caused.
In this interview, we learn how Polly is changing the rules of the global game to tip the balance in favor of a thriving future for life on Earth through International Ecocide Law. We also witness restorative leadership in action as she translates the circumstance of our global ecological emergency to aligned momentum for addressing the climate crisis at its source.
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Chart A New Future For Life On Earth
Eradicating Ecocide highlights the need for enforceable, legally binding mechanisms in national and international law to hold to account perpetrators of long term severe damage to the environment. At this critical juncture in history it is vital that we set global standards of accountability for corporations, in order to put an end to the culture of impunity and double standards that pervade the international legal system. Polly Higgins illustrates how this can be achieved in this invaluable book. is an information portal about the law of Ecocide. Ecocide law is public law in the widest sense; giving protection to those at risk of being displaced, upholding the rights and duties of humanity as a whole as well as the rights of future generations, nature and indigenous rights. A law of Ecocide addresses the core issue of today: ensuring the welfare of both people and planet.