Climate Justice

Malini Mehra — Standing for Human Decency and Sustainable Development

Malini Mehra — Standing for Human Decency and Sustainable Development

Malini Mehra is an award-winning civil society leader, entrepreneur, campaigner, writer, and broadcaster who has over 30 years experience inspiring dialogue around human rights and sustainability at the highest level of diverse international organizations. She is the first woman and first Indian to serve in her current role as Chief Executive of GLOBE International, a non-party political organization that supports parliamentarians to develop legislative responses to the challenges posed by sustainable development. Malini is a deeply compassionate advocate for the whole of life who leads an ambitious movement toward positive change from a heartfelt sense of personal responsibility. In this interview, she shares how she lives restorative leadership by listening deeply and authorizing her own voice to speak up for decency and sustainability for all, no matter how seemingly big or small the challenge.

Please note that this interview excerpt is transcript only

Osprey Orielle Lake - Awakening Resolve For Sustainability Solutions

Osprey Orielle Lake - Awakening Resolve For Sustainability Solutions

An empowering voice for balance, Osprey Orielle Lake works nationally and internationally to promote resilient communities and foster a post-carbon energy future that reflects women's and indigenous wisdom. As the Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Women’s Earth & Climate Action Network (WECAN), Osprey is active in facilitating the annual "Women Act for Climate Justice" campaign to activate diverse women and girls around the world as advocates for climate progress in advance of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (COP). In this interview, Osprey reflects the holistic understanding of restorative leadership and explains why it is particularly important for women to self-authorize with resolve at this planet-critical time.

Please note that this interview excerpt is transcript only