Food First

Frances Moore Lappé — Living Democracy To Feed The World

Frances Moore Lappé — Living Democracy To Feed The World

Frances Moore Lappé is the author and co-author of 18 books including the breakthrough Diet for a Small Planet, which sold millions and is considered by the Associate Press as “the blueprint for eating with a small carbon footprint since long before the term was coined.” A prolific voice of possibility, Frankie is a recipient of the Right Livelihood Award for her vanguard leadership on ending world hunger and living democracy. With her rare ability to connect global to local dots, she demonstrates restorative leadership by inspiring us to reclaim our best selves and reframe circumstances for aligned progress. In this interview, Frankie talks about her perspective on ending hunger by 2030 and her participation in the historic civil disobedience of Democracy Spring, urging us to leverage the power of our own participation in the interconnected web of life.